Fight cancer the way Nature wants

With cure for cancer not in sight, the only option is following Nature. 

One in 10 amongst us shall be victim of cancer in one’s lifetime, tell the experts. Worse, 70 percent of those shall not survive beyond five years of the onset, tell the experts. The common treatment methods viz. chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, besides being costly entail not only enormous pain but also entail severe side effects.

Globally, WHO attributes around 10 million deaths to cancer in 2020. Highest cases are those involving breast (2.26 million cases) followed by lung (2.21 million cases), colon and rectum (1.93 million cases), prostate (1.41 million cases), skin (1.20 million cases) and stomach (1.09 million cases).

Massive funding but little gains

In 2021, global spending on research ook, treatment and supportive care of cancer totalled 187 billion US dollars. At international, national to domestic level this expenditure is rising consistently. Admittedly, a little relief has been reported in countries like USA, Denmark, Sweden and Slovakia due to less toxicity and pain yet the overall condition worldwide continues to be quite grim.

The allocation is In India, depending on the type and location of cancer, the therapy being administered and the type of hospital, one may have to shell out between Rs. 90 thousand to Rs. 28 lakh. And mind that not all patients are medically insured or able to afford it.

Erratic movement of cancer cells

What makes cancer management difficult is the unpredictable movement of cancer cells and its rapid and haphazard growth to other organs damaging the normal healthy cells. “Cancer cells come pre-programmed to … facilitate both their enhanced survival and their dissemination through the bloodstream. There is an air of conspiracy in the way tumours use chemical signals to create cancer-friendly niches in remote organs”, said Paul Davies, professor at Arizona State University. Late detection of cancer is another hurdle. Due to horrendous lack of awareness among people patient approaches the health facility too late. Ladies particularly hide the problem, and are brought to the surgeon when the tumour stretches 8-10 cm long.

Reverting to basics

In many cases, cancer is attrition of healthy cells due to minimal or no movement of body organs over time. Body parts and organs that remain active can maintain blood flow essential for health. This purpose is well served by physical exercise that we perform routinely. Apropos of the exercises that were mandatory in primary schools after the prayer. Sedentary living especially raises cancer risk especially that of colon, lung or endometrial among men and breast cancer among aged women. “[With] physical activity – even if you don’t lose an ounce, you’ll live longer, feel healthier and be less likely to get cancer, heart disease, stroke and arthritis. It’s the closest thing we have to a wonder drug” said public health expert & former CDC director Tom Frieden. For leading a cancer-free life, there is no alternative to espousing Nature.

Yoga, vegetarian diet and regular intake of organic foods are known to help avert cancer. Regular intake of antioxidant-rich vegetable items like lemon, ginger, turmeric, cucumber is being increasingly advocated for prevention and cure of cancers. Mind that such stuff has ever been part of Indian cuisines. Consumption of ginger and turmeric vis-à-vis chemotherapy has already been demonstrated. Further, American Institute for Cancer Research recommends no more than one-third of animal protein in daily diet to ward off cancer. Efficacy of folate-rich vegetables and fruits, especially the deep coloured has shown benefits in cancer in some studies. Follow Nature and say adieu to cancer.

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A similar article of this author on Cancer published in The Pioneer on 7 Feb. 2023 can be accessed via the link:



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