Make safe milk affordable for all

Consumption of safe milk needs to be promoted due to its superb nutritional attributes.

All mammals including humans feed milk their young ones that imparts excellent immunity. Advantages of colostrum are well known. It continues to be a universally accepted, near-perfect source of nutrition especially for children since ages except for few lactose-intolerant. However, if the milk prices continue to show rising trend, common man may be hard for to afford it, thus impinging on the health of their families. The whole milk price presently is hovering around Rs. 68 a litre. Nutritionists recommend routine intake of milk and its derivatives to maintain a balanced diet. So ironical that the legendary repository of milk, ‘a country with rivers overflowing with milk’ is now concerned with feeding safe milk to its people!

Country overflowing with milk:  India stands consistently atop in milk production since 1997, and contributes about 25% to the global milk output. In 2023, India produced 231 million metric tonnes of milk with a decadal compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6%. More important than NITI Ayog’s prediction of achieving the 300 million metric tonnes mark by 2030 is the need to ensure that this staple nutrition is accessible to the countrymen at large. The fault lines must be identified and addressed in time.

The sacrosanct cow & cow milk:  Beyond just a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for nourishing their young ones, cow milk and cow are special to India, sacred and pure since Vedic era. Along with its other holy derivatives like curd and ghee, it is routine offering to Gods at religious observances particularly during Shivaratri and Nag Panchami festivals. To Hindus, cow is sacrosanct. As against other milch animals, buffalo, sheep, goat and camel, cow is also a symbol of motherhood, fertility, prosperity, health, and strength. It has had sanctity in other faiths as well. Egyptians accorded cow the status of goddess of milk, ‘Iat’ due to its association with nurturing attributes. Among early Christians, milk meant abundance, blessings, spiritual food, and purity. Prophet Muhammad said, “The milk of the bovine (cow) contains healing, its fat is a medicine and its meat a cause for sickness.” This is despite most milk in India sourced from buffalo, which is valued for higher fat content and its use as a draught animal.

In our country, 60% of the milk is produced by unorganised sector, remaining 40% is from organised sector, mostly dairy cooperatives and private players. However, with urbanisation and domination of corporates, the scenario may reverse, and in few years the milkman of yore may shift the profession for numerous reasons. For one, the city folks prefer value-added or packaged milk & dairy wrapped in pouches or packets made of LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE or EVA; cans and tetra packs. For sure, the products from organised sector are superior, nicely packaged, pasteurised (i.e. heating for a while up to 700C to minimise infection, then cooling), and stick to certain quality specifications yet it has serious pitfalls partly the deliberate ones.

The riddle of fresh milk for many months:  Way back in early 80s while I was in Bhopal, one Andhra Pradesh dairy marketed its Vijaya brand milk in tetra pack. Its packing guaranteed freshness without refrigeration up to six months in any ambient temperature. Taking the cue, though decades after, we witnessed big brands Amul, Britannia came to fore with tetra packs. Mind that the milk in pouch procured from the nearby booth may degenerate when heated just in 10-15 minutes, it is so delicate. Clearly, there is more to tetra packs than tetrahedron stuff to keep its non-degradability intact for months. Another factor playing havoc with health of people is wide use of oxytocin to enhance milk secretion.

Lethal preservatives at play:  Toxic preservatives like formaldehyde and other additives widely in use extend the shelf life of milk and its derivatives. Studies have already shown serious health consequences of packaged milk like food poisoning, gastrointestinal & cardiac issues, hepatic and renal failure, even cancer. It is like extremely harmful insecticides being strewn 400 times in excess of the permitted doses on maturing crops to avert foodgrain infestation and ensure enhanced shelf life. Also witness many popular desi ghee brands selling around Rs. 425 a litre while in villages it costs between Rs. 1200-2400 although dairy people confide costing of Rs. 500-600 a kg.

Indian dairy business is incessantly growing at 4.5% annually. Good news that milk leader Amul is set to establish overseas units. The organised milk sector is elated at the growing international and domestic demand and business prospects. Yet it must be monitored that the ethical and safety aspects are not compromised and the domestic consumers not held captive with spurious product. Fodder availability for a large milch cattle, education & training, technology improvement are the other formidable issues in dairy to be addressed. Our young ones also must be made to learn that saying no to milk is saying no to nutrition, and that almond milk, soy milk, rice milk and coconut milk are poor substitutes.

Amul federation, the undisputed leader has planned expansion activity abroad, and is targetting one Rs one lakh crore business now. Dairy supports the livelihoods of one billion people worldwide. As we celebrate the Milk Day, an FAO initiative, to recognise the importance of milk as a global food let us not overlook that the common people are not deprived of this staple nutrition.

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Earlier published with minor changes in The Pioneer on 8 June 2024, Saturday, with the caption, ‘Soaring milk prices may hit affordability, health’. Link of online paper:–health.html

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