संकल्प व्यक्ति को नई ऊंचाइयों तक पहुंचा देता है
जिस मूर्ख ने सामने वाले को इस तर्ज पर नव वर्ष की बधाई दी, ‘‘नए साल में तुम्हारे कष्ट उतने ही गैरटिकाऊ रहें जितना तुम्हारे नए वर्ष के संकल्प’’ – उसे संकल्प का अर्थ ही नहीं मालूम था! बेचारे को ज्ञान न था कि संकल्प ही वह रामबाण है जिसके बूते सब कुछ हासिल किया […]
समय की गति
संबंध जीवन की धुरी हैं। जो संबंध बनाना और निभाना जानते हैं उनका समय सदा अच्छा चलता है। नव वर्ष, त्यौहार, वर्षगांठ, परिवार में नए सदस्य का आगमन (या प्रस्थान) जैसे अवसर संबंधों और आवासीय परिवेश को संवारने, पुनर्व्यवस्थित करने का कारण बनते हैं। उत्सवी परिवेश रोजमर्रा की एकरसता को तोड़ कर नएपन का अहसास […]
अपना भविष्य आप स्वयं बनाते हैं
आने वाला वक्त कैसा गुजरेगा, यह जिज्ञासा स्वाभाविक है। किंतु इतनी बेचैनी ठीक नहीं कि एक-दर-एक ज्योतिषियों, मंदिर-मस्जिदों, गुरुओं-फकीरों के चक्कर लगने शुरू हो जाएं। ऐसे तो आप भटकते ही रहेंगे। अपने भीतर झांकें। परम शक्ति का अंश होने के नाते आप में अथाह सामर्थ्य है जिसके बूते आप सुंदर भविष्य स्वयं निर्मित कर सकते […]
जी-तोड़ मेहनत करने वाले ही उत्सवी फिज़ाओं का लुत्फ उठा सकते हैं
सेलिब्रेशन का आनंद वही उठाता है, बल्कि जीवन के रंगों के लुत्फ उठाने का अधिकारी वही है जिसने मनोयोग से श्रम किया हो। ऐसा व्यक्ति अपने कार्यों के लिए दूसरों का मुंह नहीं ताकता। उसमें आत्मविश्वास और हौसले भी गजब के होते हैं। प्लेट से उठाए गए या हमारी हथेली में थमाए गए छिली मूंगफली […]
You don’t elicit blessings by hook or crook!
Blessing is the natural outcome of belief in higher powers and genuine respect for values. Yet so ironical that we look forward to blessings from those also whose presence we always avoid. Sham of blessings: Consider these this typical scenario. A mom suggests her college going son, “My darling, for years you haven’t been to […]
Accept or be ready to suffer
The world is not meant to serve you or your agenda unless it fits into some universal plan that only higher powers can manage. No official, social or other position or organisation has been created to further your individualistic aspirations. In keeping with your vision, you need to carve out your role through the mundane […]
Covid and its reverend protocol
With ambiguity around Covid protocols & guidelines often under revision, not only doctors but also public go on trumpeting without sense what the existing protocols warrant. When my son-in-law in Mumbai suburb was tested Covid-positive, like many others my wife lost her peace, “Our daughter Silogi and the two darling under-fives are at risk […]
Playing truant for a holy cause
My friend’s ingenuity in finding time to feed the unattended bovine at home amidst his daughter’s marriage celebrations moved me and rekindled my regard for the holy cow. I had dropped from Delhi well in advance at the marriage venue, a sprawling lawn in the sylvan, hilly Nangal town of Punjab along Sutlej River. My […]
Wait and reconsider, before jumping to conclusion
On a visit to my affectionate maternal uncle in Lucknow one late evening, not being offered dinner hurt us deeply, and we tended to cherish feelings that were not in good taste. However, a rethink made us change our perception. Whenever out of town, my priority is meeting relatives & friends there, and interacting […]
Pleasure of baby-sitting
Tending the grandchild can be quite a pleasant, exhilarating experience. Had it not been for the 20-some days sojourn of our grand-daughter from Mumbai with us, demise of my beloved father few days ago could have fell harder on me and my wife. More than a care taker when we both were away on […]
If only the sons could read his father’s mind!
The first ever letter I received from my methodical father was a sheer advisory. That was in 1980, when I left my parents and others in Delhi to join a new job in Bhopal. Landline phones were few and far between, and mobile phones we had just heard of. Exchange of letters was the […]
Father overrides his strict order
I was often admonished for my nocturnal ways; however, one day my father how soft he was inside. My nocturnal ways: Something reflexive in me prevents following the universal precept of ‘early to bed’. For my nocturnal habit, I drew flak perennially that began in my teens with almost daily admonitions from my father. I […]