Don’t fear the grey hair, accept this grace
People do all sorts of efforts to look younger than they are. Rather than lowering your prestige, it raises your dignity and grace. Embrace it full-heartedly. Among myriad others, one major issue of my wife’s eternal wrangle with me since last 40 years of our wedlock has been over choice of colours. I prefer grey […]
Words with all nuances, and gestures can betray; colours don’t
All things in Nature are in colour with a reason. There are already a thousand hues, and a myriad shades unwinding. Let us delve, how colours impact of living. A beating heart or a thinking mind must divulge what it perceives, understands, or feels. Communicate one must. Else one may be unable to unbosom oneself, […]
Women’s health: Key to their Empowerment
Women’s journey for equity remains distant dream. Since last few years, an interesting trend is emerging in board results, girls are outshining boys. We are also witness to women increasingly showing their mettle in numbers and quality in all spheres: entrepreneurship, bureaucracy, industry, board rooms, research organisations and more recently in military, so far deemed […]
Soft heart behind imposing uniform in hills
Devprayag Ved Vyas Village Khand Behind a set of hill ethos & pathos, and a culture distinct from those in plains is the 3-dimensional mysterious topography of high lands. With fewer people around one is likely to become more concerned for others. This personal account of 2016 reflects on how such mindset impinges in the […]
Accept or be ready to suffer
The world is not meant to serve you or your agenda unless it fits into some universal plan that only higher powers can manage. No official, social or other position or organisation has been created to further your individualistic aspirations. In keeping with your vision, you need to carve out your role through the mundane […]
You shall have a role only so far till you contribute
The giver can never be poor; the instinct to give keeps one eternally blissful. Alliance with higher powers imbues in him enormous strength to cope up with odds of all description. Give & take is the fundamental mechanism that keeps all relationships and businesses in balance. Without flow of ideas, sentiments, emotions and material entities […]
Let loneliness be a gateway to greatness, not a curse
Man is solitary by nature; commitment and hard efforts at individual levels create history. Yet, staying lonely without reason or a mission can play havoc with the mental health. Sharing of thoughts & feelings at appropriate levels is key to staying fit and keep marching forward. Uniqueness of man: Each of us appears in the […]
Shradh: Mark of gratitude to ancestors & the elderly
Ancestral spirits, who become more powerful after leaving mundane world, oversee what we think, believe, and do. So, beware. Being thankful is great: You thank the stranger in bank who lends you a pen to put signatures; you never forget to thank and tip the waiter who offers you coffee in the restaurant for […]
The Great Cult of ‘Anonymity’
In creative endeavour, when the focus is on credit, one is disabled of sorts to contribute one’s best. Then, don’t expect excellence, and forget the masterpiece! The decades-old school building was in dilapidated shape, and required complete renovation. Due to limited funds at hand, the management decided to raise funds from outside sources in the […]
So much to discard, so little to retain!
Wheat and mud are all around; you see sacksful of grains while gems and precious stones can be retrieved only after enormous, painstaking efforts. Ditto with living people. Silence of the virtuous: There is more of trash and unwanted than the useful all around. The destructive forces are tempting too. So, it is quite a […]
The disappearing guests with bed roll & trunk
Alas, the warmth of relationships is a matter of bygone era! Unlike the cosmetic relationships as of now, in the pre-handset era till 1960s while I was in early teens, near & distant relatives knocked each other’s door without seeking confirmation from the host or even informing them. They took for granted, and rightfully so, […]
Greatest personal challenge today: Keeping oneself fit & healthy – Part 1
The all-pervasive negative powers being very powerful, several currents & cross currents within us, and similar forces all around machinate against our staying healthy. That is a big challenge we must understand and address before it is too late. Let us begin with what we essentially are. It is only with a sound mind and […]