Rivers must be rescued and rejuvenated to sustain human life
Little regard for conserving water and retaining its cleanliness has led to water crunch globally. For sustaining life on earth, it is imperative to restore pristine nature of our sacred rivers. Rescue rivers A primaeval element sustaining & nourishing all living entities, water – the elixir of life as Sir C.V. Raman called it, must […]
For cancer-free life, espouse natural lifestyle
Till effective remedy for cancer is available, there is no alternative but to focus on preventive issues, choosing a lifestyle in keeping with Nature’s order. Much ado over Corona: The anxiety and psychosis universally generated since March 2020 due to Covid, now tapering, diverted one and all from tackling the abiding diseases that continue to […]
Give wings to the girl child, help her enlighten the world
Do those killing the girl child in the nip have any right to daughter-in-law? No girl means no mother, and ultimately no life on earth. Our daughters, the angels sent from above to fill our heart with unending love, must be handled with care & grace. Replete with immense possibilities, at micro level each girl […]
Bath room is a room too, and needs your best care
Bath room is as much of a room as any other. Further, the fitness of your toilet reflects the mindset and improves productivity of the inmates. Recall an early morning scene of a train journey: passengers in queue, at the door of toilet, some occasionally knocking the doors in anxiety cursing the inmate to come […]
Saving one must; but too much is unwarranted
How much to spend, and how much to keep aside for future exigencies is an issue that needs to be handled with caution. It is advisable not to squeeze one’s desires to the extent one can, rather than leave it for others, who shall have their way somehow. A financially balanced outlook can ensure a stress-free […]
Know and attend yourself, and beat depression
Clarity about one’s role better keeps depression at bay. An average human brain is home to some 12 billion neurons, each capable of establishing distinct and direct rapport with 25,000 others, a capacity in excess of world’s largest mainframe computer. We use hardly 8 to 10 per cent of our actual capacity. It would be […]
Distorted perception play havoc with mental health
Only a mentally healthy person can lead a satisfying, meaningful and productive life. Consistently rising trend of mental disorders in India, as elsewhere, warrants evolving new mechanisms to improve the mental health for affects overall well being of individuals. The spongy 1.4 kg mass of fatty tissue inside the cerebral cortex called ‘brain’ remains the […]
Be grateful to ancestors and stay blessed
Observing Shradh befittingly helps us seek ancestral blessings. You thank the co-passenger for having had an eye on your luggage for few minutes. You also thank the colleague who just drops your cheque in the bank he was proceeding to. You don’t forget saying ‘Thanks’ to the waiter who offers you a cup of tea […]
Saluting the elderly who ever meant our well being
The elderly amongst us did all they could, often stretching themselves beyond capacity, to stand by us. It shall be blasphemy to ignore them when they need utmost care. Ever given thought to the apprehensions and cross currents often perturbing the wrinkled, emaciated, lonesome oldster usually staring at wall or sky with stony eyes? The […]
Know and understand your role to put suicidal thoughts at bay
Pardon me for not mincing words – some of those around shall attempt suicide in foreseeable future; you shall hear few of them didn’t survive. Unfortunately we don’t hear of those already in risk zone because courtesy warrants silence on such sensitive and seminal issues. A significant number of 8 lakh suicides globally can be […]
Life makes sense only in friendly ambience
Relationship with your spouse, children, brother, sister, uncle or grandparents cannot be taken for granted. They shall last only if there a tinge of friendliness. Friendship, like any other relationship also requires continuous maintenance to remain live & vibrant. ‘Fiendship’ is a pious, ennobling term; a relationship that begins when two individuals with similar chemistry […]
Upskilling paid him well in Coron era, the veg vendor said
Skills are involved not only while undergoing technical courses but in all spheres of life. Skills add feather to the way we do routine and special tasks, and also come to our rescue in hard times. Skilled persons have always been in great demand; they know they shall never be jobless. Yet it is passion […]