Is a prayer answered? Yes, if you really believe so

When you align with forces above – of course that entails belief and persistent Sadhna, the Universal Power comes to your rescue when you are trapped in crisis. And you come out.

In the common area near the entrance of most hospitals we find a prominently affixed statue of God. That has loads of meaning. When there is little hope of survival of patient, the attending doctors advise the care takers, ‘Pray to the God!’

Happenings in real life are not subject to scientific laws or logical patterns, like the Covid-19 pandemic that baffled visionaries, medical experts, soothsayers & astrologers, and others, all over. The precise aetiology, growth and disseminating mechanism of this dreaded disease remain elusive to bio scientists. So do the sure shot modality of its treatment. New discoveries regarding spread of this virus & its variants are unfolding by the day, perpetuating the associated fear and uncertainty.

Candid admission about one’s limitations and unqualified faith in the design of Providence help one in spiritual progression. Harmony with Almighty, Providence or super consciousness whatever name you assign it, of which one is but a miniscule part, enables one to draw from divine reservoir of power and also achieve one’s aspirations. There is a proviso, of course; it should be in sync with the laws of the Providence.

We find doctors galore promising sure shot cure when presented with a ticklish case like graying of hair of an elderly. He claims to treat diseases of all descriptions with about a hundred medications on his shelves. In contrast, recognising the abstruseness about Nature’s manifestations juxtaposed with finite knowledge of men, distinguished personages in all persuasions and specialities had firm faith in divine powers. Disdain for spiritual realms was blasphemy to them. Known physicist Max Planck said, “Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realises that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: Ye must have faith”. Scientific pursuits do not undermine the power of religion. “Our esteem for facts has not neutralised in us all religiousness. It is itself almost religious. Our scientific temper is devout” said William James.

Prayer draws its strength by its connectivity to the Almighty (or the super consciousness) of which one is but an integral part and with which one merges after quitting this earthly existence. It offers one the modality to align with the super consciousness and work wonders. Then, one achieves what one wants because the intent of the duo is identical. Yet for prayer to work, it has to be a driving force, and not a ritual, or as last resort. “Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” asks Corrie ten Boom.

Amongst the multitudes in a congregation in a temple, mosque, gurudwara, church, etc. God listens to prayer of the select earnest ones, yet confers blessings on one and all. That is His magnanimity.

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