Know and understand your role to put suicidal thoughts at bay

Pardon me for not mincing words – some of those around shall attempt suicide in foreseeable future; you shall hear few of them didn’t survive. Unfortunately we don’t hear of those already in risk zone because courtesy warrants silence on such sensitive and seminal issues.

A significant number of 8 lakh suicides globally can be curbed if only people understand what essentially man is, and treat others as their own, so they share their concerns, anxieties and apprehensions. It’s quite difficult, but so is the nature and magnitude of problem.

Ever wondered, an average human brain is home to some 12 billion neurons, each capable of establishing direct rapport with 25,000 others, a capacity beyond world’s largest mainframe computer. A normal person hardly uses 8 to 10 per cent of our actual capacity. It would be colossal waste of this enormous potential if we confine our role to what we have learnt to do: (i) nurturing our ego and (ii) feeding and housing needs – something creatures of lower ranks do better than humans do. We tend to lead a life the way it shouldn’t, we live at cross purpose with Nature, and in our ivory towers.

Apropos of the cooperative spirit of other creatures like tens of tiny ants. They carry a good-sized dead or moribund cockroach to their godown, each hardly weighing a twentieth of the load. Birds collect the appropriate straws to erect weather-proof nest skillfully, each an engineering marvel. Message: Though naturally made to serve a bigger purpose, human beings remain engrossed with their petty narrow interests. Increase sympathy or love for your brethren. Having a network of genuine friends is sure shot antidote to depressive and suicidal thoughts.

Unawares that a man is not actually defined by the social position, label, popularity graph or his possessions, he is unable to understand that his divine self alone is his real identity, “We are all stars wrapped in skin.” It is soul that bonds individuals to God or the super consciousness of which he is miniscule but integral part and with which he has to merge some day. As such it shall be blasphemy to neglect, mistreat, harm or malign, let alone end this precious life. To ensure that one takes befitting care of body, Indian scriptures linked its upkeep with religious duty: Shariram dharm khalu sadhanam i.e. human body is but an instrumentality to abide by religious tasks.

Due to myopic vision we choose to keep ourselves engrossed in non-issues and petty failures that must not matter. Few examples: in his last ditch attempt a civil services candidate got only the less preferred post & telegraph cadre that broke him. After +2 results a student couldn’t seek entry to the desired stream in college and got frustrated. A well-to-do lady in late 50s developed feeling that her wishes were ever downplayed by husband since marriage. All three went into depression and attempted suicide. The trio was in position that was dream of several others in the vicinity. During academic results season we witness cases when low academic outcomes lead to actual suicides.

An open-hearted person shall have no jealousy or ill-will towards others, hence without stress, anxiety or tension. He shall freely share his core concerns thus averting chances of developing isolation, a major trigger to suicidal thoughts.

The valuable things we own are not academic excellence, lucrative job, land or properties acquisitions, bank balances or other material assets. Embellishments, awards & honours, scholastic or carrier advancements, popularity, social media likes too don’t constitute one’s true self. Once lost, these peripherals can be regained or recompensed. It is only the feeble minded that is grievously hurt at loss of temporal achievements including average or low ranking in board examinations. None can take away the stuff inhering within you: knowledge, inquisitive spirit, discretion, skills, expertise or the magnanimous heart that determine your worth and heights to which you soar in life.

You are not just what you believe you are. Assured of one’s innate potential, depending on the level of enlightenment, one is not disturbed by routine defeats and hardships that must appear in the journey of life. Imbued with zest for life, such person ever embarks on contributing to mankind in a distinct way, taking appropriate care of his body, mind and spirits. His sinews and nerves work with enthusiasm and verve. Despondency shall have no place in his life. Apart from developing technology or some device that surpasses the existing one to help people living more meaningfully, he has passion for serving those in need, a great human virtue in keeping with wishes of Nature also endorsed by all faiths. Yet to be enabled to give something to others you must have it: peace, love, kindness, good sense, money or whatever.

Interestingly, you are replenished for what you give. The truth is, the giver doesn’t suffer from shortages. “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”, said Zig Ziglar. The impact of ‘giving’ impulse can be understood by theory of divine intervention. When higher powers are sure that you are working in tandem with divine wishes, they stay by you and never let us down, and keep showering blessings. The flow of optimism never lets such noble soul down, and keeps thoughts of despondency and depression at bay. A cheerful ever imbues his being, he always has a to-do list, a reason to live well that keeps him agile, vibrant and in positive mindset.


2 thoughts on “Know and understand your role to put suicidal thoughts at bay

  1. An excellent write-up motivating to lead a meaningful life happily whatever the circumstances.
    It is a great service to the society to touch such important but otherwise neglected issues of life. Wonderful thought process that shows the torch to embrace life. JP Dhaundiyal

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