Making the best of times during the lock down


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times …”

This opening line of ‘Tale of Two Cities’ by Charles Dickens was meant to pinpoint the-then glaringly divergent conditions of contemporary London and erstwhile Paris; however, it is more true to the home-bound Indians today than it was to Brits way back in 1859.

The Wheel of Time doesn’t stand still; it is ordained to turn. Most people know but few accept that tough times don’t last forever. The universally dreaded Covid-19 continues to disrupt health systems, production-supply chain, economy, industry, and livelihood of bulk of populations in our country as well. But remember, it shall too pass. Cursing the drift of times is not going to help. We need only to have eye on what best can be done in given circumstances. Much worthwhile can be accomplished in the days of comparative lull. Believe it, beneath the cover of lockdown there are real opportunities galore.

Before the epochal lockdown, everybody has been perennially lamenting the dearth of time. The other day, when I wanted to offer few books including Wren & Martin’s Grammar to a student, the cold response was, “I already have enough, and no time for any additional material.” In an era when even any 4-year upwards is busy, further, we are also given to understand same through their parents, the current leisure period is a rare, God-sent opportunity unlikely to be available in life time. Those finding it hard to stay indoors on the ground that they aren’t used to it, mind! The predicament is of unparalleled nature and magnitude, warranting solutions like never before. Also imagine for a while why sages or people of that ilk meditate for days, weeks or months together in solitude, and to what intent? Also think of the big purpose that triggers a head of government to spend three days in Kedarnath cave in Himalayas. Practicing solitude is gateway to achieving oneness with God, and eventually partaking of eternal bliss.

Mind has a tendency to delve deeper in the direction of thoughts once harboured in the mind. Without conscious decision, only the negative thoughts shall proliferate, like weeds grow in untended spaces around home or workplace premises unless quality seeds are duly sown, cultivated, irrigated, fertilised and protected from insects. Once allowed in the nip, the weevil shall not delay! The issue is, what keeps you busy for most hours of the day: indulgence in time pass activities like planning celebrations in pipeline or creative pursuits like reading, music, arts, Yoga & meditation, learning a new language, skill, or activity. The type and nature of chosen activity shall set your destination in life. There cannot be a better moment to take stock of the tasks at hand and take up the unfinished ones.

Restricted access to market implies to doubly ensure what we really need. Most of the needs we perceive as ‘essential’ are not really so, and in all sectors including food, clothing etc., one can always do with less than what one has. This is what hard times ever confirm. There is a story of a faqir approached by a poor man with complaint of just one medium-sized room to be shared by his seven-member family. The faqir advises him a goat to keep inside the living room. In a couple of days, the man returns more sorrowful due to his increased trouble. The faqir now orders to accommodate a cow in the same room for three days. After three days the man returns lamenting that hell has broken loose on all inmates making their life unbearable. This time, the faqir advised to remove the cow and goat both from the living room. Next day, he complacent man returns to thank the wise faqir as the family now had immense relief with sufficient space.

Adversity, like the present lockdown can be a great teacher to the discerning. “A calm sea never made skilled sailor” said Franklin Roosevelt. It is so because only the tough circumstances make one work full steam using enormous arsenals already inhering within, and results are for the world to see.

With isolation due to visceral instinct to survive or fear from authority, some people are at loss to understand what to do indoors with plenty of available time in lockdown. Confinement permits spending quality time with family that we missed so long though direly ever needed for strengthening family bonds. Sense of belongingness to family roots comes imbues enormous strength to young ones in coping with odds that come in the passage of life. Difficulty procuring outside meals can help revive forgotten culinary skills of ladies and others. Rather than bemoaning the movement constraints, learning new arts, language or Yoga exercise through distance mode can be enriching.

Author is former editor, a Delhi-based senior journalist and writes on social & health issues.

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Published in Orissa Post, Edit page, on 9 April 2020.  Link:

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