Saluting the elderly who ever meant our well being

The elderly amongst us did all they could, often stretching themselves beyond capacity, to stand by us. It shall be blasphemy to ignore them when they need utmost care.

Ever given thought to the apprehensions and cross currents often perturbing the wrinkled, emaciated, lonesome oldster usually staring at wall or sky with stony eyes? The only sunshine in their life appears with a phone call from the carefree son or daughter settled elsewhere for better prospects. The parents in desolation could be yours, who did anything to keep you in decent shape, good health and humour from birth, often forgoing their own comforts, pleasure, and convenience.

Your happiness barometer

A litmus test determining how happy and blessed you are/ shall be: Pick any 5 or 10 persons who are 60+. Those who served/ are serving their parents and other elderly befittingly are far happier & prosperous than those who neglected the elderly. Those who are privileged to draw on the blessings of the (live or dead) elderly shall flourish.

Most in nonage and many till mature years are unable to imagine that some day they too shall grow old, in utter disregard of writing on an epitaph: “I was what you are today. You shall be what I am today.” An ostrich-like fear leads many to gloss over unpalatable, impending realities of life, as Francis Bacon said, “I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.”

Most of the persons aged 60 years and older, constituting a tenth of Indian population remain marginalised, some ostracised from home. With life expectancy currently 66 years and increase year by year, the elderly population shall become a valuable, sizable group lying in neglect.

Beset with multiple problems like reduced physical stamina, decreased immunity, greater vulnerability to diseases and onset of sensory and motor disabilities, fading memories, they need care, love and emotional as well as physical support that the young ones must provide. They do not need special consideration but only that they are not humiliated or neglected. Apart from contributing to sundry chores at home, their experience, expertise, and knack for offering a ready solution can be used gainfully. Of utmost benefit to us in achieving our mission are the blessings that emanate from their heart when we serve them in earnest, not just to post our serving postures on WhatsApp – they discern the difference. Never forget, our actions towards oldsters speak louder than any words and when our children see this, they need no admonition or counsel. A big salute to senior citizens!

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The abridged version of this article was published in Inner Voice column of the Hindustan Times on 14 October 2016 with the title, ‘Be sensitive and considerate towards the elderly’; link:

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