Live and let live; not the other way round


An unhealthy lifestyle and value system of the digital era has triggered phenomenal growth in mental and physical ailments in number and percentage both. Conditions are similar in most regions of the world. The future shall remain bleak unless there is U-turn in ways people think, feel, aspire, act, behave, communicate and relate to each other. 

The 2021 data recently released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveals shows an increase of 7.17 percent suicides over previous year (2020) in India. Suicidal attempts are four times the actual figures. These are official figures. Realistic figures must be substantially higher. The tendency to cover up the unpleasant side is deeply ingrained in Indian psyche. That is one reason the tension, conflicts and depression are increasing phenomenally. The pomp and pop culture, so to say. In a show culture most of us inherited and espoused, rather than telling that the truth like:

(a) The new born child is in incubator because of severe pneumonia; the emphasis shall be on highlighting with bang that the delivery took place in Gangaram hospital. Message: No misgiving about my status, please. And treat me accordingly.

(b) Half the money for the new luxury car was extracted from ageing parents against wishes of wife and children, and remaining from bank loan on heavy EMI, the proud owner shall pronounce that he just bought it when family members so insisted. The mindset concealing the reality is sickening people and eventually predisposing to suicide. No doubt suicide has become a universal challenge.

It is contended that mental morbidities and mortalities are not going to come down without a serious rethink.More people shall die prematurely, and let others die, due to suicide in successive year. That also leaves a bad message for the posterity. We do not communicate befittingly with each other that is essential for psychological and mental well being. The situation warrants a sea change in our mannerisms, behaviours and belief systems and relate to each other.

Neglect of ‘inner’ voice

When our thoughts, behaviour and actions are dictated by ‘what others say’ we lose our identity. We no longer stay what we really are: a pure soul replete with infinite possibilities because of the divine element inhering in all of us. Interestingly, the very persons whose sanctions we seek have no interest in our well being.  We accumulate things and assets we don’t need, take meticulous care of the drawing room ignoring the drawing room within us. “What does a man profit when he gains his own soul”.

Belief that each living entity including human beings is but a tiny unit of super consciousness gives meaning to one’s life. One in such awakened state shall be more easily enabled to align with big powers thereby deriving enormous spiritual strength from an infinite power reservoir. Despondency has no place in his life. Further, never to such person occur the thought of being rendered lonesome, a trigger to depression and eventually suicidal thought.

Resources & assets: Cosmetic and real

A business tycoon proclaimed, “Take all my assets, capital, plants & machinery but leave my men behind. And I shall recover all I had in five years.” Human resource is indisputably the most important resource in making of all that has been greatest or marvelous: world class bridges, enduring business houses, trend setting discoveries, artistic and other creative masterpieces, and so on. Material assets are dwarf in the face of human resource with built-in elements of thought and imagination. Catapulting the heroism of man, Nagarjun, a Hindi poet poet said, “The sun is in movement and exists so that man may move and exist” (Manuj chal sake iseeliye to surya chal raha). It is only a weak mind that considers disdaining life.

Faith in a vibrant heritage

The richness and spiritual excellence of Indian culture, though at times endorsed with hesitation has not been generally debated. And now, as the scientific rationale of Indian texts on science, mathematics, astronomy & astrology is being unfolded, acceptance is coming piecemeal. Reverting to this legacy, home coming of sorts shall not only stave off such nonsense as online challenge games many of which lead to suicidal end, but provide a sound footing to build an enduring value system with no place for negative and anti-life stance. Staying positive is a matter of deliberate decision.

In contrast to crisis-ridden Western culture on where to confide in, a survival problem with several people, Indian system of thought has faith as its premise. Mental illnesses and disorders are offshoot of a value system that has little recognition for relationships and spiritual values. Sooner we awaken, better for us along all fronts.

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