The Great Cult of ‘Anonymity’

In creative endeavour, when the focus is on credit, one is disabled of sorts to contribute one’s best. Then, don’t expect excellence, and forget the masterpiece!

The decades-old school building was in dilapidated shape, and required complete renovation. Due to limited funds at hand, the management decided to raise funds from outside sources in the town.

No name, no money!

The managing committee members approached a known industrialist with appeal to part-finance renovation job. After few moments’ hushed silence, the eminent industrialist said, “I shall bear all expenses, but there is a condition. At the entrance of building, and three other locations of my choice, my name shall be prominently engraved.” While the aid seekers were still in quandary, the man reaffirmed, “You know, at religious and other places on the stair way each ladder has donor’s or their parents’ names inscribed in acknowledgement. No name, no money!”

The condition was not acceptable to the ethically oriented management. The industrialist’s conduct was sheer bargain, not charity, for sure.

Hunger for name

Many corporates earmark a certain portion of their budget towards welfare works as obligatory, and also otherwise as charity but primarily as a tax saving measure-cum-promotional measure. There is hardly an intent to render genuine help for the less fortunate. They also want company name to be displayed at prominent spots.

Ditto with employees at work places. After discovering that no individual credits shall be provided, some employees perform the assigned job perfunctorily. Such folks are unmindful of the precept of Harry Truman, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.”

Great ‘anonymous’ creations 

With Indian tradition of placing the creator’s name subservient to the artistic or literary creation, authorship of most scriptures and art pieces has remained conjectural and continues to be debated. Carrying on the cult of anonymity, few among us anonymously shell out generous donations for charities, shrines, and philanthropic causes. On similar lines few entrepreneurs do wonderful charity jobs without fanfare.

Urge to excessively highlight one’s name rather than the content is indicative of Narcissist instinct that needs treatment. In credit page of documents, we are witness to grievances and subsequent heated arguments over the ‘affected’ person’s name being relegated to lower position or not being mentioned at all.

With focus on visibility of name as norm of the day, it is very difficult to bring out excellence in creative or routine jobs, not to speak of masterpiece, which results only when one puts in one’s heart & soul into the job irrespective of ‘name’. Seeking praise or reward lands one in misery, said Vivekanand. Further, the contenders in name-seekers bloc is very long, and competition fierce. In contrast, players in other group, unmindful of ‘credit’ are few, hence hardly any competition. Then there are consequences that one cannot escape. It transpires that choice exercised is crucial.

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The abridged version of this article was carried by The Economic Times in Speaking Tree column (edit page) on 23 July 2023 with the title, ‘Care to Stay Anonymous’.

Link of article in newspaper’s online edition:

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