Use the time optimally, it is the most precious asset one has

Are you more or less satisfied with your friends, relatives, profession and the general drift of your life? For a satisfying, meaningful and blissful life, you must continuously evolve to emerge as a new version of yourself by changing the track and value time!

We little realise that our lives are not long enough to over think or keep stuck to whatever unsavoury happened in the past. Unless we turn the pages of book called life, we shall be disabled to go to next pages. Procrastination is a ‘killer’ disease. Act upon the plans that you believe to be in your best interests. In many instances like delay in setting up a new project, taking the ageing parents to a long-cherished pilgrimage, gifting a laptop to a niece or donating a hefty sum to an orphanage may become too late.

Each moment counts: In the continuum of Time each moment counts. Allotted in equal measure to all from king to pauper, time is the most valuable asset one has. The irony of life is, we vainly hope for ‘some’ day to take up a particular task and postpone it ad infinitum.

“I shall do it sometime in next two or three weeks” often an euphemistic way of telling, “I shall never do it, better assign it to someone else”. Then you assign it to a very busy person. And he completes the job.

Knowing that time is continually fleeting one with foresight shall not be a time waster. He understands that the way one utilises 24 hours of the day available to him determines the tenor and the drift of one’s future. Those who value life shall not while away an iota of it, said Acharya Shriram Sharma, the founder of Shantikunj, Haridwar.

Understand past-present-future matrix: Skewed or poor knowledge of past-present-future matrix blurs the line of action for most people. They often undergo spells of stress and anxiety. Few of the many confused people groping in dark about the remaining course of life till advanced years, go berserk and waste their precious lives.

Mind that any situation perceived as ‘problem’ is unique and needs to be handled patiently in the given context. That is what Heraclitus, the predecessor of Plato meant in his precept, “No man ever steps in the same river twice” for, neither the river in terms of its composition, content or dynamics, nor the person is ever the same. All physical and organic bodies except its spiritual ingredient undergo the process of growth, attrition, and finally death. The evolutionary nature of a living entity differentiates it from the non-living ones. As with all creatures, the cells within us too have a specific time span, to be replaced by emergence of new ones till a certain time frame.

Difficulty discarding undesirable pattern

‘Past’ is an extension of present and we build our future inch by inch, day by day, based on our thoughts, beliefs and convictions. That is why the adages, “the deeds that man do live after them”, “the closing balance of the previous year is the opening balance of the new year”, “as we sow so we reap” and so on. Pledges don’t work and people find themselves back to square one again & again because of difficulty discarding the habitual or reflexive patterns that did not deliver the results. It requires vision, a gravitas and enormous grits to disentangle from the past. This is a condition to emerge as an improved version of oneself. Belief that the ‘spiritual’ inhering in all of us is linked to superior realms, the super consciousness or God imbues the individual with enormous powers (unavailable to lay people) so they can better withstand adversities, hardships and odds of life.

Conquering the inner demons

The weak-willed fail because they are trapped by the siren call of mundane pleasures. “You cannot defeat your demons if you are still enjoying their company”, said Paul Phillips. You lose moral authority to deny your darling child viewing the sordid TV serial or involvement with social media if you are yourself glued to it. Your foray into the higher echelons is strongly resisted by the existing group members who do all to pull you back, like the gangsters do.

The ‘evolving’, vibrant person does not derive lesser pleasure from his creative and philanthropic pursuits than others do from the New Year or anniversary celebrations by smearing pastry on his own or others’ faces or sprinkling champagne. In a society where ostentation and cosmetic concerns outweigh philanthropy and genuine sympathy for others, the journey of lone creative has its own thorns. Knowing that putting on fake smiles and posting e-wishes via messages on social media are often a cover up for a deep lacuna within, he has no compunctions on being bereft of the cosmetic pleasures relished by those unable to do hard thinking.

Clarity about his goals, thought and action accords him a stellar status. Aware of the past-present-future paradigm and belief that man has not been designed to stay in constraints, he relishes the bounties of in Nature ever nurturing the angel in him and living in sync with Nature.

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A similar article on loomings the new year was carried in daily Orissa Post on 6 January 2023, the Friday; link of the newspaper –

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4 thoughts on “Use the time optimally, it is the most precious asset one has

  1. Very informative, fantastic post. I wonder why the other experts of this sector didn’t notice this. You must continue your writing. I am sure, you’ve a huge readership base already.

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