You don’t elicit blessings by hook or crook!

Blessing is the natural outcome of belief in higher powers and genuine respect for values. Yet so ironical that we look forward to blessings from those also whose presence we always avoid.

Sham of blessings: Consider these this typical scenario. A mom suggests her college going son, “My darling, for years you haven’t been to your grandfather, now home-bound and living alone. You don’t talk to him on mobile phone either! He so often remembers you, shows concern in your studies, career, well-being, and what not. When returning from Mall today, just on the way you can visit him for a while, touch his feet and secure his blessings. The persistent mom somehow convinced his reluctant son. “OK, then,” the son obliged both his mom and grandfather. Feeling proud of the virtuous, obedient son, the mom breathed a sigh of relief.

The man with bowl outside religious premises also doles out ‘blessings’ galore in exchange for the sum tendered, naturally in proportion to the quantum of offerings. The donors feel honoured and elated.

Did the seeker receive ‘blessings’ in the two cases?

As with water, knowledge, and wisdom flow from high to low, abundance to shortage. Knowing that a well in disuse becomes dry over time, people with high calibre look out for eligible & fit seekers to carry forward the key insights and the know-how accumulated since ages. In the process, the posterity keeps benefitting and evolving. Mankind shall be deprived of the myriad spiritual, intellectual, and other assets if the trail of transference is missed.

Giving is germane to Nature’s design: Inhibitions constrict growth. Astral entities including ancestral spirits, which become more empowered after shedding the earthly shape, find ways to help and upgrade the less privileged. An anecdote demonstrates how higher powers oblige the believers. A couple, die hard votary of Lord Shiva, had to move away on errand for few days. In fix about upkeep of their young children behind, the duo invoked Lord Shiva’s intervention. It is said, Lord Shiva Himself came to fore and took full care of the young ones till the return of the couple. The couple’s faith had borne fruits.

How we respect in earnest and earn blessings:  The giver is ready with bounties after being sure that the recipient has unwavering faith in higher powers, values the myriad gifts already conferred on him, and &steadfastly stays on virtuous track. “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving,” said Pope Francis. Further, sham has no place in the realm of faith. Higher powers can distinguish the genuine and the cosmetic. We are entitled to receive blessings of the elders by taking them into confidence and then seeking their clear approval on major events issues like entering into new relationships, buying a flat, joining, quitting or shifting a job, setting up or expanding a business, and ventures of such ilk.

Beyond the verve to achieve greatness, strategic planning and persistence, rising to higher spiritual echelons warrants support of higher powers as well as clear approvals from parents, mentors and others whose contribution to our wellbeing has been beyond question. Blessings are sure to be conferred when we remember the higher powers in thoughts, words and actions. So ludicrous that certain people expect and try hard to seek blessings from one they don’t even want to be on talking terms!

Divine grace does not shower inadvertently. It is available only to those loyal and faithful to God and His design and represent these; personages of such ilk are marked by reflexively keeping their ego at bay. Blessing, a natural outcome of working incessantly in sync with divine design, is earned. For sure, not by touching feet or doling out money to beggars. You do receive it unasked once you deserve it.

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Earlier version of this article was published in Free Press Journal on 27 October 2024 under the title, ‘When You Deserve Blessings Shower Unasked’ in the column, ‘Guiding Light’ of Link of article in online edition of paper:



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One thought on “You don’t elicit blessings by hook or crook!

  1. The words within the writing are in itself self explanatory, encouraging & with high moral values. Boisterous in readers decision making capacity & capabilities in daily life. Really push yourself to question your every action & it’s reaction.

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