You shall have a role only so far till you contribute

The giver can never be poor; the instinct to give keeps one eternally blissful. Alliance with higher powers imbues in him enormous strength to cope up with odds of all description.

Give & take is the fundamental mechanism that keeps all relationships and businesses in balance. Without flow of ideas, sentiments, emotions and material entities including money there shall be stagnation; personal, social, national, and global affairs shall come to standstill. It is a condition or sorts for evolution and growth. Those reflexively contributing to the divine design of flow from sufficiency to scarcity help maintain both personal and universal rhythm and order. Rivulets contribute to rivers, rivers to the ocean.

Give & take is kingpin of all affairs: fulcrum of all the Offering and accepting are among the primaeval instincts. It takes guts to have generosity and benevolence, which is a divine attribute. Gods are giving type. The giver ever has an upper hand, both literally and morally. The habitual giver liberally contributes when, and where such need arises, and derives satisfaction and strength from this act. On the other extreme are the reflexive takers and usurpers showing Satanic instinct who want, plan and endeavour to grab whatever from anywhere, anyone. In between the two ends lie the vast array of people, who contribute only where normative or as escape to possible humiliation rather than of their own initiative. They shell out for charity or to a beggar to shun displeasure. They reciprocate for virtuosity in equal measure. “He gifted/ lent me Rs. 1,000. At my turn I tendered same amount. The deal stands settled.”

Contribution for a noble cause irrespective of returns is spiritually uplifting and aligns the giver with higher powers. The Karma theory of Gita also urges the seeker to focus on one’s duty whatever the outcome. A service rendered with ulterior interest is not countable, and does not elicit divine grace. Only when God is assured that the seeker acts according to his wishes, he stands by the seeker and never lets the seeker fail. Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, tells the book of Psalms.

Anybody can contribute: A non-contributor shall find plethora of excuses to justify his action. Anyone can contribute in family, society, at work place or somewhere in some way, if willing at heart; a retired person at home can help his/ her grandchild to prepare for school, bring in clothes drying in the balcony when it rains all of sudden, and so on. One who does not contribute, is unwanted and deemed as burden all around. Even Mother Earth does not withstand the non-contributor, and shall exterminate them.

A monkey witnessed the petty sparrow bringing water beak-by-beak to help quench jungle fire, and derided her, “You idiot, what will your miniscule intervention do”? The little bird quipped, “When history shall be scripted, my name shall appear among those who made an effort to set things right, and not among the apathetic bystanders.”

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The article was carried by The Free Press Journal in Divine Light column on 5 January 2024, the Friday with the caption, ‘Contribute or Perish’. Link of online edition:

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